20 Throwback Moviès That Sum Up High School Lifè
Thèrè's a rèason why classic high school moviès havè a lot
of thè samè clichès and tropès, and that's bècausè somètimès, thosè kinds of
things rèally do happèn in high school. No mattèr how long ago our high school
days wèrè, it's hard to forgèt thè smèll of thè gym lockèrs, shuffling around
in thè crowds of pèoplè to gèt to thè nèxt class, and how much stock èvèryonè
put into trying to bè popular.
High school is a wild timè. Tèènagèrs arè old ènough to
think thèy know èvèrything, but thèy rèally, rèally don't. Nothing illustratès
that dichotomy bèttèr than thèsè throwback high school moviès that just totally
sum up high school lifè — èspècially if you wènt to a public school in thè '90s
or èarly 2000s, whèn thèsè tèèn films camè out.
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