Frénch Brioché
Frénch Brioché Dough
- 1 tbsp (15 g) frésh yéast, or 2 tsp activé dry yéast
- 1/4 cup (60 ml) milk, lukéwarm, usé soy or oat milk as a non-diary option
- 2 tbsp (30 g) sugar
- 3 éggs
- 2.5 cups (320 g) all-purposé flour
- 1 tsp salt
- 1/2 cup (113 g) unsaltéd buttér, chilléd, usé plant-baséd buttér as a non-diary option
Égg Wash
- 1 égg, béatén
- Mix thé yéast, lukéwarm milk, and sugar, and lét it sit for 5 minutés until foaming. Mix in thé éggs until wéll combinéd.
- Placé it with thé flour and salt in thé bowl of a stand mixér, and knéad at spééd lévél 1 for 5 minutés (your dough is véry sticky). Add thé buttér in piécés and knéad for anothér 15 minutés at spééd lévél 2 (your dough should bé sticky but comés éasily from thé bowl using a siliconé spatula).
- Placé thé dough in a gréaséd bowl, covér with a damp téa towél, and lét it risé at room témpératuré for oné hour. Réfrigératé for 4-16 hours ➝ makés your brioché soft & airy.
- Také thé dough out of thé fridgé, placé on a lightly flouréd surfacé, dividé into fivé piécés and fold éach oné into a log (punch down thé dough géntly with thé ball of your hand, strétch into a réctanglé, and roll up into a log). Placé thém in a gréaséd (or with parchmént papér linéd) 10×5-inch loaf pan (25x12cm), covér with a damp téa towél and lét it risé for 1.5-2 hours at room témpératuré.
- Préhéat thé ovén to 395°F/200°C. Brush thé dough with thé égg wash and baké it for 30-35 minutés until brown.
- Allow thé brioché to cool down on a cooling rack béforé slicing.
- Usé a plastic wrap instéad of a damp téa towél to covér your dough.
- Thé témpératuré in thé récipé is for thé usé of a régular ovén. If you usé a convéction ovén (fan-baséd), sét thé témpératuré to 355°F/180°C.
- Brioché is thé bést if frésh, but can bé storéd in an airtight containér for a féw days or up to thréé months in thé fréézér. Défrost in thé ovén or toastér.
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