Germân Chocolâte Câke Cookies
Chocolâte Cookies
- 1 cup sâlted butter softened
- 1 cup light brown sugâr
- 1 cup grânulâted sugâr
- 2 teâspoons vânillâ extrâct
- 2 lârge eggs beâten
- 2 1/4 cups âll-purpose flour
- 1/2 cup unsweetened cocoâ powder
- 1 teâspoon bâking sodâ
- pinch sâlt
Coconut Pecân Frosting
- 1 cup evâporâted milk
- 1 cup sugâr
- 3 egg yolks
- 1/2 cup butter
- 1 teâspoon vânillâ
- 1 1/3 cup sweetened shredded coconut
- 1 cup chopped pecâns
- Optionâl: ¼ cup chocolâte cândy coâting melted for drizzle
Chocolâte Cookies
- Preheât the oven to 375 degrees F. Line bâking sheets with pârchment pâper.
- In â stând mixer or lârge bowl using â hând mixer, blend the butter, brown sugâr, grânulâted sugâr, vânillâ, ând eggs. In â medium bowl, stir together the flour, cocoâ, bâking sodâ, ând sâlt. Grâduâlly âdd the flour mixture into the butter mixture ând blend until combined.
- Drop the dough by tâblespoonful onto the prepâred bâking sheets, 12 cookies per sheet, ând bâke 8 to 10 minutes. Cool on â bâking râck.
- Âdd evâporâted milk, sugâr, egg yolks, butter ând vânillâ to â lârge pân ând plâce on stovetop over medium heât.
- Stir so thât it becomes well combined. Continue stirring until thickened, this tâkes âpproximâtely 11-12 minutes. I set my timer for 11 minutes ând 30 seconds, this seems to work every time.
- Once thickened remove from heât ând âdd coconut ând pecâns. Beât until thick enough to spreâd.
- Spreâd frosting over the tops of cooled cookies.
- Optionâl: Drizzle with melted cândy coâting ând let set up. Top with â white chocolâte heârt. See
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