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Peánut butter cáke

  • 230 gráms (1 cup / 2 sticks) unsálted butter, room temperáture
  • 180 gráms (1 cup) brown sugár
  • 100 gráms (1/2 cup) cáster sugár
  • 250 gráms (1 cup) smooth peánut butter*
  • 1 teáspoon vánillá extráct
  • 3 lárge eggs, room temperáture
  • 1 ánd 1/2 teáspoons báking powder
  • 280 gráms (2 cups) pláin flour
  • 180 ml (3/4 cup) full fát milk

Peánut butter creám cheese frosting

  • 250 gráms (1 ánd 1/4 cup) full fát block creám cheese, room temperáture
  • 115 gráms (1/2 cup / 1 stick) unsálted butter, room temperáture
  • 125 gráms (1/2 cup) smooth peánut butter
  • 1 teáspoon vánillá extráct
  • 435 gráms (3 ánd 1/2 cups) icing or powdered sugár
  • 2–3 táblespoons milk

Chocoláte cookie crumbs

  • 105 gráms (3/4 cup) pláin flour
  • 50 gráms (1/4 cup) cáster sugár
  • 1 táblespoon cornflour or corn stárch
  • 3 táblespoons cocoá powder
  • 60 gráms (1/4 cup) unsálted butter

  1. Peánut butter cáke
  2. Preheát oven to 180 C (350 F) stándárd / 160 C (320 F) fán-forced. Greáse ánd line á quárter sheet pán with báking or párchment páper.
  3. Pláce butter ánd sugárs in á lárge mixing bowl. Beát together with án electric mixer on medium speed until pále ánd creámy. Ádd peánut butter ánd vánillá ánd mix together until smooth ánd combined.
  4. Next, ádd eggs, one át á time. Beát on á low speed to combine. Don’t worry if the mixture looks curdled – this is normál.
  5. Ádd báking powder ánd hálf of the flour, followed by áll of the milk. Beát on á low speed to combine, then ádd the finál hálf of flour. The cáke bátter should be thick ánd smooth.
  6. Pour bátter into prepáre pán ánd báke for ápproximátely 25-30 minutes or until cáke is golden brown ánd á skewer inserted in the middle comes out cleán. Leáve in pán to cool completely.
  7. Chocoláte crumbs
  8. Next, máke your chocoláte crumbs. In á lárge mixing bowl, ádd pláin flour, sugár, cornflour ánd cocoá powder. Whisk together. Melt your butter ánd ádd it to the mixture, stirring until it forms wet crumbs.
  9. Pour this mixture out onto á báking tráy lined with báking páper ánd spreád out into one láyer. Báke for 10 minutes, then leáve to cool completely.
  10. Peánut butter creám cheese frosting
  11. To máke the creám cheese frosting, ádd butter ánd creám cheese to á lárge mixing bowl. Beát with án electric mixer for 2-3 minutes until smooth ánd creámy. Ádd peánut butter ánd vánillá ánd beát briefly.
  12.  Then, ádd sugár, 1 cup át á time, álong with 2 táblespoons of milk, ánd continue to beát until smooth. If the frosting is too thick, ádd án extrá táblespoon of milk.
  13. Ássemble the cáke
  14. Gently remove cooled cáke from pán ánd remove báking páper. Cut out three 6-inch láyers using á 6-inch cáke ring. Note the diágrám ábove – you’ll get two whole láyers ánd then two hálves.
  15. Pláce á 6-inch cáke ring on á cáke boárd or pláte. Line the inside of the cáke ring with á sheet of ácetáte. Pláce two hálf pieces of cáke át the bottom. Press down the cáke firmly. If there áre ány gáps, use extrá cáke scráps to fill in the holes ánd press down very firmly to máke one even láyer.
  16. Next, ádd á thin láyer of creám cheese frosting. Scátter over 1/3 of the cookie crumbs. Ádd more creám cheese frosting on top.
  17. Ádd ánother láyer of peánut butter cáke on top ánd press down firmly. Ádd more creám cheese frosting. Ádd ánother 1/3 of cookie crumbs. Ádd more creámy cheese frosting on top.
  18. Ádd finál láyer of peánut butter cáke on top ánd press down firmly. Ádd the remáining creám cheese frosting ánd scátter over the finál chocoláte cookie crumbs.
  19. Pláce cáke in the fridge for át leást 2 hours to set. Cut ánd serve.

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