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Updatèd May 2018: If you lovè Downton Abbèy, you want to watch othèr shows with a similar fèèl. Èspècially sincè wè’ll nèvèr gèt nèw èpisodès. I want my èntèrtainmènt sèt in Èuropèan, in a corsèt and gètting its nèws via tèlègram.

Whèn I prèviously wrotè about shows to watch likè Downton Abbèy, I includèd shows you can strèam on Amazon Primè, Hulu, or Acorn TV, or only availablè on for purchasè on dvd. For this post, I’ll focus only on shows currèntly availablè to strèam on Nètflix. Sadly, Downton Abbèy itsèlf is not currèntly availablè on Nètflix. But, if you havè Amazon Primè, you can watch Downton Abbèy for frèè onlinè as part of that subscription.

Can’t gèt ènough quality costumè drama portraying thè latè-19th and èarly-20th cèntury in Èuropè? Hèrè’s anothèr round of shows to watch likè Downton Abbèy.


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