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vegân homemâde cosmic brownies

  • *for the brownies*
  • 2 tbsp ground flâxseed + 6 tbsp wârm wâter
  • 1 cup white sugâr
  • ⅓ cup unsweetened cocoâ powder
  • 1 cup âll-purpose flour
  • ¼ teâspoon sâlt
  • ¼ teâspoon bâking powder
  • ½ cup melted vegân butter
  • 1 tsp vânillâ
  • *for the glâze*
  • ¼ cup vegân chocolâte chips
  • 2 tbsp nondâiry milk (more or less âs needed)
  • râinbow chip sprinkles, for topping

  1. Preheât the oven to 350F.
  2. In â smâll bowl, combine the ground flâxseed ând wâter ând mix to combine. Set âside to thicken.
  3. In â lârge bowl, whisk together the sugâr, cocoâ powder, flour, sâlt, ând bâking powder.
  4. Âdd in the melted butter, vânillâ, ând thickened flâxseed mixture. Mix until brownie bâtter comes together - it will be thick!
  5. Line ân 8x8 bâking dish with pârchment (VERY importânt, âs these brownies like to stick!), ând pour in the prepâred brownie mix.
  6. Smooth out with â spâtulâ, ând bâke for 35 minutes, until brownie âppeârs dry on top, ând â toothpick inserted in the center comes out with just â few crumbs.
  7. Let brownie cool to room temperâture, then mâke the glâze. Combine the vegân chocolâte chips ând milk in â microwâve sâfe bowl, ând heât in 15 second increments until smooth ând creâmy. You mây hâve to âdd â little more milk if it's too thick. It should be eâsy to pour!
  8. Pour chocolâte glâze âll over the brownie, ând sprinkle the râinbow chip sprinkles on top.
  9. Plâce cosmic brownies in the fridge to help the glâze set. Âfter it hâs solidified, you cân store brownies ât room temperâture or in the fridge for â fudgier texture (my fâv!).

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