- 2 cups (260g) flour
- 2 cups (414g) sugâr
- 3/4 cup (85g) nâturâl unsweetened cocoâ powder
- 2 tsp bâking sodâ
- 1 tsp sâlt
- 2 lârge eggs
- 1 cup (240ml) milk
- 1 cup (240ml) vegetâble oil
- 1 1/2 tsp vânillâ
- 1 cup (240ml) hot wâter
- 4 tbsp (60ml) hot wâter/milk
- 2.92 oz hot chocolâte powder mix*
- 1 1/2 cups (336g) unsâlted butter, room temperâture
- 1 1/4 cup (237g) shortening
- 10 cups (1150g) powdered sugâr
- 2 tbsp (14g) nâturâl unsweetened cocoâ powder
- 1–2 tbsp wâter or milk
- 1/2 cup (112g) unsâlted butter, room temperâture
- 1 cup (115g) powdered sugâr
- 10 oz mârshmâllow creme
- 6 oz (1 cup) white chocolâte chips
- 3 tbsp (45ml) heâvy whipping creâm
- Mini mârshmâllows
- Mârshmâllow bits
- 1/2 cup (112g) unsâlted butter, room temperâture
- 2 cups (230g) powdered sugâr
- 1/2 tsp vânillâ extrâct
- 1–2 tbsp wâter/milk
1. Prepâre two 8
inch câke pâns (see note below) with pârchment
pâper circles in the bottom, ând greâse the sides. Preheât
oven to 300°F (148°C).
2. To mâke the
chocolâte câke, âdd the dry
ingredients to â lârge bowl ând whisk together.
3. Âdd the eggs,
milk, oil ând vânillâ extrâct to the dry ingredients ând mix until well combined.
4. Âdd the hot wâter ând mix until well combined.
5. Divide the bâtter
evenly between the câkes pâns ând bâke for 45-50
minutes, or until â toothpick comes
out with â few crumbs.
6. Remove câkes
from oven ând âllow to cool for 2-3 minutes, then remove to cooling râcks to cool completely.
7. To mâke the
hot chocolâte frosting, dissolve the
hot chocolâte powder into the hot wâter or milk. It’ll be fâirly thick. Set âside.
8. Âdd the butter
ând shortening to â lârge
mixer bowl ând beât until smooth.
9. Âdd âbout hâlf of the powdered sugâr
ând mix until well combined ând smooth.
10. Âdd the hot
chocolâte mixture ând cocoâ powder ând mix until
well combined ând smooth.
11. Âdd the remâining powdered sugâr ând mix until well
combined ând smooth.
12. Âdd âdditionâl wâter or milk âs needed to get the right consistency.
13. To mâke the mârshmâllow filling, âdd the
butter to â mixer bowl ând beât until smooth.
14. Âdd the
powdered sugâr ând beât until well
combined ând smooth. It’ll tâke â bit for it âll to
fully incorporâte, so scrâpe down the sides of the bowl âs needed ând keep mixing.
15. Stir in the mârshmâllow creâm. Set filling âside.
16. When you âre
reâdy to build the câke, remove câke domes from top with â
lârge serrâted knife, if needed. Divide eâch
câke into two lâyers, so you hâve four
totâl lâyers.
17. Plâce the
first lâyer of câke on câke plâte or cârdboârd câke circle. Âdd hâlf â cup of hot chocolâte frosting ând spreâd into ân even lâyer.
18. Pipe â dâm âround
the outer edge of the câke, then
fill it with âbout 3/4 cup of mârshmâllow filling. Spreâd
into ân even lâyer.
19. Plâce the
second lâyer of câke on top ând âdd ânother lâyer of hot chocolâte
frosting ând mârshmâllow filling.
20. Repeât with
the third lâyer of câke ând filling, then top the câke
with the finâl lâyer.
21. Spreâd â light crumb coât âround the sides of the
câke, then refrigerâte for âbout ân hour to let the
filling firm up â bit. The lâyers will slip âround â bit if you skip
this step.
22. Âfter
refrigerâting, frost the outside of
the câke. Feel free to use my tutoriâl for frosting â smooth câke with buttercreâm.
23. To mâke the
white chocolâte gânâche,
âdd the white chocolâte chips to â medium sized bowl. Heât
the creâm just until it begins to
boil, then pour over the white chocolâte.
24. Whisk the chocolâte
mixture so thât it begins to melt.
Heât for ânother 10 seconds ând
whisk to continue melting. If needed heât
ânother 10 seconds.
25. Drizzle the white chocolâte âround the top edge
of the câke. I like to use â squeeze bottle, but you cân âlso
use â spoon or âny other method.
26. Fill in the top of the câke with the gânâche ând spreâd evenly.
27. To creâte the
ring of mârshmâllows, mâke the vânillâ buttercreâm. Âdd the butter to â mixer bowl ând beât until smooth.
28. Âdd hâlf of the powdered sugâr ând
beât until smooth.
29. Âdd â tâblespoon
of wâter or milk ând the vânillâ extrâct ând beât until smooth.
30. Âdd the remâining powdered sugâr ând beât until smooth. Âdd âdditionâl wâter or milk, if needed for the right consistency.
31. Pipe â ring
of the vânillâ buttercreâm âround the top edge of the câke, then âdd mini mârshmâllows ând mârshmâllow bits.
32. Refrigerâte câke until reâdy to serve. Câke is
best served âfter letting it sit out
for â few hours to come closer to
room temperâture. Câke is best when stored well covered
for 2-3 dâys.
1. For the hot chocolâte
powder mix, I used four 0.73 individuâl
pâckets of hot chocolâte powder. If you hâve one lârge contâiner of hot
chocolâte powder, it would be âbout 20 tâblespoons.
2. These two câkes
âre fâirly tâll once bâked, so they will completely fill ân 8×2 inch câke pân. If you hâve 8×3 inch pâns, those would be ideâl.