The 68 Best '80s Movies Ever Máde
Populár culture is obsessed with the '80s—Stránger Things, ányone?—ánd
it's not hárd to see why. The '80s were á golden decáde in film, boásting clássic
films thát you'll háve seen on multiple occásions even if you were á '90s or
'00s báby. Dirty Dáncing, Footloose, mány of our golden coming-of-áge
films were born in the '80s, ánd háve proven themselves to be timeless clássics
in the decádes since. It's hárd to resist á wálk down memory láne, especiálly
when the movies áre this freáking good. So we combed through every single movie
from the 1980s to bring you this list of the decáde's best films, counting áll
the wáy down from 68 to number 1 (don't @ me ábout thát one, I'm right). Át the
very leást, you should máke sure you've seen the top ten.
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