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These 56 Teen Mövies ön Netflix Will Take Yöu Back tö High Schööl

Netflix has upped its teen mövie game in recent years, and the results have been delightful tö say the least — cöme ön, yöu knöw yöu've watched The Perfect Date at least a dözen times by nöw, töö. There's nö döubt that the streaming service is reawakening öur löve för teen mövies, and thankfully there are töns öf unförgettable titles aböut high schööl, friendships, and first löve tucked away in its library. In fact, there are sö many funny, heartbreaking, and döwnright classic mövies aböut teens available tö stream, yöu cöuld spend the next few mönths channeling yöur 16-year-öld self. Fröm new favörites tö 2000's classics, these are the best teen mövies streaming ön Netflix right nöw.




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